Naylor Body Design's



The Fit Executive System™

"We've coached over 900 men & women to lose 20-50lbs in 4-6 months & keep it off"



 What is the time commitment?

We only require what you feel you can sustain. There is no minimum and no maximum. We have clients changing their lives from as little as 2-3 x 20-30min sessions per week and outside that we will in fact save you time by helping you optimise what you already do (eat / sleep manage stress). 
We typically work with people for a 6 months depending on their goals but most people stick with us for an average of 9 months (though we have had clients who have been with us for 3 years and counting - most clients have multiple progressive goals clients and love the accountability).

 What is the cost?

Whether this is expensive or not depends on perspective, but the goal is a life-changing health transformation that you do once and never need to worry about doing again.
Do it once and do it right.We only discuss specific pricing on the call where we can decide if we are a good fit and I can demonstrate the value of this process to you.
As you can see this is not a cookie cutter, one size fits all programme. We provide a bespoke service to get you the results you need so you never have to pay for a coach / service / program ever again.

 Do I need to go to the gym?

Going to the gym is not a requirement.
However, exercise advice is included and can include a fully progressive gym workout (tailored to you and your gym) which is delivered through our app, liaising with your local trainer, or guiding you from never having exercised to doing something 2-3 times a week on a regular basis.
This is entirely built around you, your experience levels and your end goals alongside travel / holidays etc. if needed.

 Do you account for dietary preferences / medical conditions?

Yes, all preferences / requirements / medical conditions are taken into consideration when building out your plan and substitutions / changes can be made as we begin and during the process too.

 What happens if I have unexpected commitments?

This is designed to work around all situations and circumstances (work / travel / holidays) so you don't need a clear block of time to get started.
We're also with you the whole way and will make the adjustments needed based on your changing lifestyle / commitments with exercise / nutrition etc.

 Do I need supplementation?

It is not a must to invest into any supplementation.
Supplementation is simply a tool that can be considered dependent on your goal and your current position.   
We do cover the topic of supplementation during the program but we can discuss further in detail on the diagnostic call if needed.

 Do I have to join the call?

The consultation call is to find out exactly where you're at and how we can help more specifically based on your situation.
It will not be a hard-sell and there is no pressure to move forward if it's not a good fit for you.
You can ask as many questions as you need. We want to make sure you feel comfortable with this decision and you're fully committed to getting results

 What about time and eating with my family?

We believe family time is crucial to heathy living and longevity outcomes. 
So we will take your family commitments and routines fully into consideration as we create your customs plans.  

 Is this just for bodybuilders?

No, our programs are 100% custom built to the individual we are working with and the vast majority of our clients are family men and woman, who have very busy lifestyles and many other commitments. We focus on keeping things very  simple yet highly effective, you most likely do not need advanced or complicated. You need simple, direct and clear instructions to help you optimise you life, performance and longevity outcomes. 

 What happens if I have injuries or have surgery coming up?

Many clients we have helped entered our program with pre existing injures, or post surgery for example. Firstly, we diagnose the injury / surgery and aim to assess what can still be done. 
In most cases there are many areas we can still wok on around an injury to see progress. Post op we can speed up recovery dramatically. Quite often it's a relief for our clients to have professional guidance on the road back from an injury / surgery. 

 I think I just need an in-person PT?

As a very busy individual it often makes little sense to bend YOUR day and time around someone else (a PT). Your days are mostly likely dynamic, time poor and fast paced. It makes far more sense your fitness plans fit around YOU, not the other way around. Also consider if you travel regularly, an in-person PT is not coming on that trip with you, our plans and coaching does! 
We will be your 'in-pocket' PT, we are aways there, on hand whenever you need us. on YOUR time schedule and not the other way around.

 I travel for work alot, how would this fit around that?

Given the busy individuals we work with this is completely normal to us. The vast majority of our clients are hyper busy people often in airports, hotels, planes and staying away regularly. The beauty of our program is we come along with you. We can have plans created for when you're at home and for when you travel. Finally, a program that actually fits your life and helps you stay on track no matter where you are. 

 What about time zone differences?

We look after clients around the world and our coaching system has been battle tested over 2+ decades to ensure time zones don't have any impact on our ability to coach to the highest level. All in a days work for us.

 When can I expect results?

The 100M$ question. We know our system works, we have 1000's of lives changed as proof. The speed of the results are dependant on the individual. Some move faster and some slower. Slower is not bad! 

All progress is ... progress... 
We aim to deliver speedy yet truly sustainable results. 
Our goal is help you to achieve your goal .. AND sustain it long term.

 What if I already have a PT / Nutritionist?

No problem, many of our clients have previous coaches that they wised to continue with. We can accommodate working along side other professionals. Where we will stand out is our ability to be the focal point between everything, training, nutrition, sleep, stress, recovery, travel schedules and more. pulling all the crucial together in one easy place

 What happens after I have hit my goal?

We like this question as this is very much what we are about. Our mission is not only to help you to your goal, but to make sure you then have the tools and frameworks to be able to sustain it on your own for all the years to come.

"The last coaching company you'll ever need"

Is The Fit Executive System™ For You?...

  • Health Conscious?
✅ You Feel You're Not Getting Any Younger & Want To Be Around For Your Family Without Relying On Medication.
  • Stubborn Belly Fat?
✅ You've Tried The Restrictive 'Diets' But XYZ Situation Came Up & You Lost The Progress. You Want A Sustainable Lifestyle Approach.
  • Build Muscle?
✅ You Don't Know What Exercises Are Best Or How To Structure Nutrition With Training & You Don't Want A 'Skinny-Fat' Look.
  • Tried Personal Trainers?
✅ You May Have Even Hired PT's...But Didn't Get The Nutritional Knowledge For Permanent Results.
  • Career Driven?
✅ You've Been Chasing Career-Goals & Need A Time-Efficient Approach To Put Your Health On Auto-Pilot.
  • Role Model?
✅ You Want To Look The Part & Fit Well In Your Clothes To Be A Respectable Figure For Your Family & Colleagues.
  • Knowledge on Nutrition?
✅ You Don't Fully Understand Foods So You Want To Learn More About How A Body Transformation Works.
  • Fat Loss Rollercoaster?
✅ You've Been Losing & Gaining Weight For Years Because You Don't Have A Sustainable System.
  • Consistency?
✅ You Struggle With Motivation & Discipline. You Need The Accountability & Guidance With The Right Strategy.
  • Low Energy?
✅ You're Not Performing Your Best In Your Career Or Being A Great Partner Or Parent.
  • Poor Sleep?
✅ You Know It Affects Your Fat Loss Progress & Health But Don't Know The Quick-Fixes.

How Does The Fit Executive System™ Work?...


You don't need to guess what exercises to do anymore.
Whether you've been sedentary for years or you're an advanced lifter...
PRO level access to our custom application with an individualized strategy FOR YOU will sky-rocket your results.
We will design the best workout plan for you that works alongside your nutrition protocols to make it IMPOSSIBLE for you not to progress with your fat loss & muscle building goals.


Want to know why you hit a wall and get stuck wandering why you've stopped getting results?
Your body changes and what your body requires may change too.
So what works for you one week may not be optimal for the next.
This is why weekly 1-1 Check-ins are crucial to give you the accountability & guidance you need.
We are meticulous about evaluating your progress and data-tracking...
To course-correct so you don't have to spend weeks / months / years trying to figure it out yourself!


Don't know what foods YOU should eat?

There are 100 different people that will tell you 100 different things on how to lose the belly fat and build muscle.
But you need what works FOR YOU. Time-efficient meals that require less than 15m a day.
You need flexibility to know how to eat with: travel; social-events; a busy schedule; & family time.
You'll have a tailored nutrition plan so you know exactly how to eat based on what actually works.
No more boring restrictive 'diets', you get high protein, low calorie, TASTY RECIPES for life-long results.


I've been doing this for a long time and learnt a lot along the way.
I know there's 100 different people saying 100 different things online & you don't know who to listen to.
Remember: CORRECT INFORMATION + ACTION = RESULTS or you end up running fast in the wrong direction.
So we're giving you full access to our specific educational training covering: hormones; metabolism; calories; macronutrients; exercise strategies; & much more.
Upgrading your knowledge & mindset is the fastest way to lose fat and gain muscle.


Reducing your daily stress and optimising your sleep will play a massive part in your total feeling of well-being and progress towards your physique and daily cognitive performance. Along with improvements in gut health and hormonal balance - you'll feel like YOU again! 


You need a coach who actually cares about you and your results.
This is why we won't leave you in the dark trying to guess your way out of questions you have in your mind.
Not only will you have Weekly 1 to 1 Coaching Calls, you'll also have Private Messaging Support so you won't fall off track and blame 'consistency' or 'motivation'.
We will strategize around all possible situations like: upcoming holidays; dinners out; food & exercise preferences; social events etc.
Life gets in the way so you need to know HOW to adjust to get predictable results.

40+ LinkedIn Reviews 

30+ 5* Google Reviews 

In my 30's, I was just another guy struggling with self-confidence, frustrated by my lack of results despite endless workouts and diets. 

I wasn’t overweight, but I wasn’t lean either. I was skinny fat. 
No matter what I tried, I couldn't achieve the physique I wanted or the confidence that came with it.

It took years of trial and error, but once I finally cracked the code to sustainable fitness, everything changed. 

I discovered not simply how to transform my body and lose 29 lbs in 16 weeks, but how to build the discipline, mindset, and habits that create lasting success. And I knew I had to share this knowledge.

Since then, my team and I have helped over 1000 busy professionals achieve the same life-changing results, transforming not only their bodies, but their confidence, energy, and presence in every aspect of life. 

If your goal is to achieve your ideal physique, we’re here to make it happen. 

Expect to feel healthier, stronger, and more confident, both in business and in life.
You’ve made it this far..... Now, it’s time to level up.
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